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FCDMR is still active — 10 Comments

  1. Thanks for the bump Scott. I have two questions for the group.
    1. Would people be interested in a list for the purposes of monitoring of commercial DMR repeaters in the area.
    2. Now that the Stat of Florida has lifted COVID restrictions, would people be interested in meeting at a restaurant again?

  2. I’m a new ham very interested in DMR. I have an HT, ID and have been messing with writing a cp and having a bear of time. If this group is still active and holds regular meetups, I would love the details so I can pick your brains. Thanks! 73!

  3. K4YGD shared with me today that K4NDC Tony Proctor became Silent Key on 3/12/21. Tony had been a regular with in the Savannah coverage area both on DMR and Dstar. Keep Tony and his family in our prayers.

    Donny Stratmann. KM4CTB

  4. Does anyone have a guide on how to write a CP that actually works? I am not having much luck. I have a TYT MD-2017. Unfortunately it’s all I have for DMR at present.

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